Jim Burns Homeword Daily Devotional for Parenting and Christian Family

<< HomeWord, with Jim Burns

Life’s Road Map - HomeWord - October 3, 2017

Life’s Road Map
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me. —Psalm 119:18-19

With bus routes, maps, directions in hand, we were ready to go to England. We stepped off the plane in Heathrow and joined the crowd moving through customs. The signs then sent us to platform B to rent our car. Everything was exactly where the signs pointed, the bags arrived and we were off.

We hopped into our rental car and were on our way. Since we were in England, a sign on the dashboard pointed to the left reminding us what side of the road to drive on. We followed the red highway line straight from London to Oxford. From there, we sought out the well-marked signs and route markers to navigate through the city, arriving at our final destination. It was easy.

I can’t imagine what our travels would have been like if my husband and I had ignored the map or street signs. It probably would have taken us twice as long to arrive, or perhaps we would have given up looking and stayed where we were. It surprises me that there are times I don’t ask for directions or carry a map when I am traveling. There is wisdom found from following a route guide and knowing which way to turn.

If I can have this understanding with something as simple as traveling to a new city, why do I often ignore the road map for my life? Sometimes I forget I am a stranger in this world. As Christians, our home is the Kingdom of God.

God gives us the wonderful gift of the Bible to act as a road map through our journey of life. The Bible points out the best route to take during our life travels, helping us avoid bumps, bruises and obstacles along the way. The first step to using this map is to admit you need one. Like the psalmist realized, we are strangers in this land. Without our map, the Bible, we are destined to wander aimlessly and possibly miss the great destination the Lord has for us. If we use the Bible as our guide, we will be headed in the right direction with assurance of where we are going and a life God wants for us. A life filled with the fruit of the Spirit and with fulfillment. A life that leads you to experience all God has offered.


1. Do you find it hard to remember that, as a Christian, you are a stranger in this world? Why?

2. What are ways in your life that you can and have used the Bible as a road map?


Matthew 10:6-8; Ephesians 6:11-13; Hebrews 11:13-16

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