HomeWord, with Jim Burns

The Invitation - Homeword - December 5

The Invitation

This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. —Romans 5:8

You are cordially invited to A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!!

Guest of Honor: Jesus Christ

Date: Every day. Traditionally, December 25, but He's always around, so the date is flexible....

Time: Whenever you're ready. (Please don't be late, though, or you'll miss out on all the fun!)

Place: In your heart...He'll meet you there. (You'll hear Him knock.)

Attire: Come as you are... grubbies are okay. He'll be washing us clean anyway.

Cost: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone. You wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway...it cost Him everything He had. But you do need to accept the ticket!!

Gift Suggestions: Your life. He's one of those people who already has everything else. He's very generous in return, though. Just wait until you see what He has for you!*

What an invitation! I know I don’t want to miss out on this one. It’s Christmastime again, and we are beginning to gear up, celebrating the birth of Jesus. It is a great party! The only issue is that this is not something that should be celebrated simply once a year. God is waiting for you each and every day, no matter what stage of your faith you are at. He wants you to give Him your life and your heart. He wants you to know you are made uniquely, and you are special. Perhaps you should take some time now to accept or renew your acceptance of this gracious invitation. It is an ongoing invitation – so you are invited every day to celebrate and participate in the love of Jesus.


1. What are ways you can celebrate Jesus every day?

2. In what ways do you focus on celebrating Christ’s birth at Christmastime?


Matthew 11:28; John 3:16; Revelation 21:1-8

*Author Unknown.

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