iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women

Consider the Flowers - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - December 20, 2024

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"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They did not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was stressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fore, will he not much more clothe you–you of little faith?" Matthew 6:28-33

I have heard these verses a thousand times throughout my life. As a chronic worrier, they were often quoted to me. And I wish I would have truly pondered them then as I recently have. When you are facing a crisis, it seems irrelevant to be compared to a flower. Flowers don’t worry about the kids. Flowers don’t have bills to pay. Flowers aren’t looking for a spouse. Yet, God still clothes them in beauty. Did you catch that part? God doesn’t just give the flowers what they need to survive. He gives them beauty. He gives them what they need to thrive. And if He cares that much about a plant, that He would cover it in exquisite color and life, how much more do you think He will care and provide for you, His child?

In a culture that glorifies “the hustle,” it is important that this truth really settles into your heart. Flowers don’t wake up at 5 a.m. and grind their way through the day to earn their petals. They simply do what God put them here to do, and He provides them with their splendor. Friend, I am not saying to not do your best and give your best to God. However, I am saying that when you make your goals in life an idol, you are missing out (and trust me, I am preaching to the choir on this one). John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came to earth to give us life abundantly. This doesn’t mean you will have the nicest house or car. But it does mean that in Jesus, you will find far more than simply “what you need” to survive. 

I think that so often we forget God is our Father. If you have children, I do not need to explain the amount of love encompassed in the parent-child relationship. Many times earthly fathers may fail, as they are human. But our Heavenly Father never fails; He is perfect. This means He loves you perfectly. 

I have been blessed with an incredible earthly father. When I was growing up, and even now in my twenties, I ran to my dad when I needed something. Of course, I'm now more independent than when I was five years old, asking him to sneak me a cookie before dinner. But when I was in a car wreck, my dad was my first call (even before the police). If I can go to my earthly father, who, despite his best efforts, can never love me perfectly, how much more can I go to my Heavenly Father? Even more so, I do not simply go to God hoping He will hear me, but I go to Him with confidence that He loves me enough to listen to my cries and act.

No matter who you are or what you are going through, you are cared for by your Father. And your Father just so happens to be the Creator of the universe. Your Father in heaven is the smartest, kindest, most powerful, and most understanding Being you will ever know. If God can paint the beauty of flowers, what beauty do you think He might paint for you? If God sent His Son to earth so that we may have life abundantly, do you not think He will take that promise seriously? And while your idea of an abundant life may look different than God’s, I can promise that God’s abundance is better than yours. 

Take a lesson from the flower and focus on doing what God put you on earth to do: love Him first, and then love others while spreading the Good News. Let God bless you with the splendor that far surpasses the flowers. 

Let's pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for loving me more than You love the flowers. Despite my sin, You still clothe me with beautiful blessings through Your forgiveness. Father, help me be honest with You about my troubles. Help me not only realize but also see that You are on my side. God, I want to wait in hopeful patience so that I may see how you clothe my life in beauty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/frdm 

Olivia Lauren is a graduate student passionate about Scripture, particularly the Book of Romans showcasing God's grace. Outside her studies, she enjoys teaching her dog new tricks and finding quicker ways to silence the smoke alarm after trying a new recipe. 

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