<< iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women

Consumed with YourSelfie - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - February 17

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Consumed with YourSelfie
By: Emily Rose Massey

“For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there” - James 3:16, NKJV.

With the overwhelming flood of social media sites and phone apps filling every millisecond of our lives, it is blatantly clear how self-centered our culture has become as we post about our lives and our opinions numerous times a day.

With the invention of the front-facing camera on our cell phones, we have been able to take endless pictures of ourselves with ease called “selfies.” It has to be asked, if we want to see ourselves that much we might as well consider carrying around a mirror everywhere we go, right?

Are we too focused on ourselves?

This is a question I have recently asked myself as I am finding myself dwelling on my own issues so much that it is overwhelming my thoughts, completely over-crowding my mind, and creating more problems than solutions. Also, as someone who enjoys praying for others, I’m realizing how less and less of my time talking to God is spent interceding on others’ behalf and more and more of my time is spent asking Him to simply “help me, me, ME” or ignoring Him altogether and trying to figure it all out myself.

And I am utterly convicted because I have become so self-centered and consumed with my own life. Not to much how consumed with consumerism I have become as I am bombarded with sponsored ads and marketing campaigns constantly as I scroll through social media. Influencers and bloggers pushing all kinds of products that they are “obsessed” with and posting that quick swipe-up link for us too. I suddenly find myself envious and want what they have.

James 3:16 tells us, “Where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there” (NKJV).

Whoa… “every EVIL thing?”

Are you finding yourself confused and needing clarity regarding your circumstances?

What about worry? Are you finding yourself frantic, anxious, or on edge often? Thinking that you are lacking something and trying to be your own provider and seeker of necessities/wants.

These feelings are not from God and are rooted in fear. 

When we cast our anxieties upon the Lord like 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to do, we are humbling ourselves and telling the Lord we know that we cannot figure out this life on our own. We look to God as our ultimate provider, trusting that He knows all that we need. This act of surrender frees our lives up to think upon truth found only in God’s word, to spend time communing with the Lord, and to be able to lift others up in prayer. Not to mention being mentally present for people who we cross paths with on a daily basis who may need some encouragement, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on.

The less we focus on ourselves and our problems, the more freedom, clarity, and peace we will experience. So let’s shift the focus off of ourselves for a while…your mind (and your Instagram) could use a little rest. Here are some practical ways we can limit time on your phone: 

1. Keep yourself on a schedule/ use app tracking timers

2. Turn off as many push notifications as possible

3. Unfollow social media influencers that may tempt you to impulse buy what they are advertising

4. Remove distracting apps from your home screen or uninstall apps over the weekend

5. Move your phone away from your bedside 

6. Ask your spouse or a friend to be your accountability partner

Emily Massey began writing short stories and poetry as a little girl, entered the blogging world in her early 20s, and published her first book in 2015. She enjoys being a stay-at-home momma while still being able to pursue her passion as a writer. Believing she has been forgiven much, she loves much, and desires to point others to Christ and His redemptive and transforming power, especially by sharing truth found in God’s written word. If you would like to connect with Emily, you can visit www.wewouldratherhavejesus.com.

Looking for authentic conversations about how to deal with body image, insecurity, and comparison issues as a Christian woman? The Compared to Who? Podcast is the show for you! Twice a week, we tackle tough topics like dieting, disordered eating, weight loss, aging, body dysmorphia, and more from a practical, grace-filled, gospel-centered perspective. 

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