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What to Do When You Lose the Path - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - June 2

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What to Do When You Lose the Path
By Tiffany Thibault

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105 

While visiting Charlotte, North Carolina one fall, I had a few hours open one Sunday afternoon. I longed to be out walking in the crisp fall air, so I quickly googled hikes nearby. I saw that there was one open, but was closing at sunset, which was in three hours, so I didn’t have a lot of time. I choose this hike for two reasons: limited crowds on a football Sunday, and all the reviews said that the path was well marked. I wanted to walk alone, but I wanted to know where I was going. 

I checked in at the office and then found the trailhead. The fall foliage was breathtaking, and I slowly walked through the first ½ mile, snapping pictures of the leaves, and breathing in the fresh country air, finding peace after a busy week of work. I put away my camera, knowing that the park would eventually close and I still had a few more miles to walk. 

The trail was easy to follow for some time, until suddenly it was not. The reviews said that the trail was clear and easily marked. That may have been true in the summer, but with all the fallen leaves, I quickly lost sight of the trail. I stopped and looked around me. There was a blanket of leaves all over the ground. I looked up at the sky to gauge the setting sun. I had time, but I had to keep moving. I had to find the trail. I stood in one spot, but turned myself around, scanning for any sign of the trail. None. But wait, there was a tiny sign on a tree over to the side. I walked to it, and sure enough, there was an arrow with the word trail under it. 

I continued my hike, following the directions from the small signs nailed to trees. Without those signs, I would have never been able to know where the path was. I would never have been able to get to the end of the trail in peace. I trusted those signs and they led me back to the parking lot. It was a beautiful hike, and as I walked, I pondered this verse: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

On that hike, I had a few choices when I lost sight of the trail. I could have stood and screamed until I was hoarse. I could have called 911. I could have ignored the signs pointing to the way. Instead, I chose to trust the signs. I walked with my eyes looking for the next sign. They spoke truth and they got me back to my car in time to watch the sunset from the parking lot. 

What decisions are you facing today that leave you lost, wondering which way to turn? Are you confused? Are you fearful? I have been, and I know that I will be again. Life is hard. We make a decision to do something, thinking we will be fine, and then we lose sight of the trail, the sun sets, or we get lost. Situations keep coming at us that batter us, that leave us feeling like we are drowning. 

However, we have this promise from the Bible that God’s word will shed light on our next step, and will show us the path we are to follow. We have the choice though. We choose to open the Bible and seek God for each days problems, or we can keep it closed and struggle on our own way. We always have a choice, in each situation, and through each day.

Joshua 24:15 says this: “Choose for you this day whom you will serve.” Today will you choose to open the Bible and read a little bit of it? Psalm 119:133 says this: “guide my steps by your word.” Will you allow the Lord to guide your steps today? 

The more we look to His Word, the more clearly our spiritual eyes will see what He is doing in the midst of our circumstances and in our hearts. Don’t try walking the path of life alone, let Him be your hiking partner and walk the trail of life with you. What have you to lose? 

Tiffany Thibault enjoys living life with her husband, two daughters and one very large dog. She not only homeschools her girls, but she also loves to write about Jesus and speak about Him to groups of women. She loves long walks, coffee and anything chocolate.

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Are you a Christian mom trying to juggle work and home? You're not alone! I'm Rebekah Scott, host of The Encourager Podcast, where I share insights gained from 15+ years of balancing family and running a business. My aim is to help you find harmony inall your important roles. Join me as we explore ways to create systems for success at home and work while keeping it real!

In this episode, we're simplifying spring cleaning with two easy tips for each of our five systems: Me, Food, Family, Work and Home. Join us as we explore practical ways to bring joy and simplicity into your home and work life! And if you love what you hear, be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode! 

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