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You Are Meant for Community, Not Isolation - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - October 18

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You Are Meant for Community, Not Isolation
By Keneesha Saunders- Liddie

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

When I was a little girl, I went to my Sunday school’s annual picnic. We were at the beach and I loved the water, even though to this day I can’t swim. After getting permission from my mom to go into the water, I decided to walk as far out as I could go. I was enjoying the water up to my neck when all of a sudden, I realized that I had somehow stepped into a hole of some sort. My foot wasn’t finding the bottom of the sandy ground.

Time stood still, my body went numb. The water was covering my lips and I was sinking. Then, out of nowhere, I felt someone grab my hand and pulled me out of the sinkhole. My feet were on solid, albeit sandy, ground again.

My friend, without even realizing what she had done, rescued me. We got some goggles and looked from afar at the hole. I didn’t go back in for the rest of the day.

Two Are Better Than One

There are so many reasons why we choose to isolate ourselves from friends, family, and our community, but I am here to remind you that two is better than one.

As an adult, attending women's retreats and fellowship events is so uplifting to me. When I am around older women who share my faith and I listen to their testimonies and stories, I stand amazed at my God. There are those who forsake this fellowship for various reasons, but it is always best to have someone in your corner.

We need community because we are sinners. We are all prone to sin and make mistakes, and this is where community comes in. Today it may be my turn and tomorrow it may be yours, but once we have an arena where fellowship can abide without discrimination and bias that is all we need.

We need community because we are lonely. Praying one for another is how we can combat loneliness. Do you know of anyone in the need of prayer right now? Why don’t you give them a call, I’m sure that at some time in the future when they hear of a struggle you are facing that they will call and pray for you too. The start of a prayer partnership can be established and developed.

We need community because we need encouragement. There are times when we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord but there are situations when we need encouragement from others. Our key verse reminds us that there is much benefit to be had when two people work together. Since we are Christ laborers let us work together for the advancement of his kingdom.

As women we have a choice, we can either fall and remain there without anyone to help us up, or we can fall and be helped immediately and do the same for others. We are meant for community not isolation.

At the end do you want to go to Jesus alone or do you want to bring others with you?

At the end do you want to have lived selfishly or generously?

Would you want to be known for being helpful or refusing to help?

Keneesha Saunders-Liddie is a writer, avid reader and Jesus lover. She recently started a blog to encourage women to show Christian love to others and to share biblical counsel with anyone who needs it. She firmly believes that the bible has the answers to everything that pertains to life. She is a wife, mother and student. You can connect with her on Facebook and Pinterest.

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Are you a Christian mom trying to juggle work and home? You're not alone! I'm Rebekah Scott, host of The Encourager Podcast, where I share insights gained from 15+ years of balancing family and running a business. My aim is to help you find harmony inall your important roles. Join me as we explore ways to create systems for success at home and work while keeping it real!

In this episode, we're simplifying spring cleaning with two easy tips for each of our five systems: Me, Food, Family, Work and Home. Join us as we explore practical ways to bring joy and simplicity into your home and work life! And if you love what you hear, be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode! 

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