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Leading The Way - Week of January 29

Gaining Godly Wisdom

When we have godly wisdom, we will see things from an eternal perspective—not from a worldly, temporal perspective. And when we see things from an eternal perspective, we are going to accept the challenges and unexpected turns of life. We will be able to face obstacles, turning them from hindrances into stepping stones.

In Ecclesiastes 7 we read, “Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing and benefits those who see the sun. Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor” (Ecclesiastes 7:11–12).

Solomon is saying that when we face challenging situations in life, wisdom will be far more precious than a very rich inheritance. Godly wisdom keeps its value; godly wisdom will never be lost. The person who has godly wisdom will be able to use wealth wisely. The person who has godly wisdom will be able to bless others—but a foolish person with a billion dollars can blow it in a few days.

Godly wisdom gives us perspective, vision, and a purpose for living. If we have godly wisdom, then we will have balance in life. When we have godly wisdom, we are going to walk by faith—both on the familiar roads of life and the unfamiliar ones. When we face difficult circumstances, most of us forget all of the blessings that God has given us—and we focus on our problems. But when we begin to think of all the blessings that God has given us, we will be overwhelmed with thanksgiving.

Solomon says that wisdom will give us power for living. “Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city” (Ecclesiastes 7:19). We are going to face temptation, manipulation, seduction and deception—from Satan as well as from others. We can expect to face all of that in life. But godly wisdom will give us power to discern Satan’s traps. It will give us power to overcome temptations and power to defeat the devil. It will give us power to avoid the entrapments of this world. And it will give us power to walk in His righteousness alone.

Solomon determines that wisdom is valuable, something worth seeking: “All this I tested by wisdom and I said, ‘I am determined to be wise’—but this was beyond me. Whatever wisdom may be, it is far off and most profound—who can discover it?” (Ecclesiastes 7:23-24).

How do we get godly wisdom? We receive it when the Holy Spirit of God comes to indwell in us. (The Holy Spirit has many names, and the Spirit of Wisdom is foremost among them.) And after that, we must continually, on a daily basis, be filled with the Spirit of God.  It is important to study Scripture, to pray, and to seek the counsel and teaching of godly leaders.

It begins with declaring Jesus as the Lord of your life and the Savior of your soul—because the Spirit of Wisdom cannot come and dwell in you until Jesus becomes the Lord of your life. Until you begin to live under the lordship of Jesus Christ, you will not understand and you will not experience daily living with the Spirit of Wisdom. If you have never declared Jesus to be the Savior of your soul, if you never have submitted to Him as the Lord of your life, you can do that today.


Fearless Living in Troubled Times


Imagine a life of peace and purpose in the midst of global instability, national tension, and personal crisis. Dr. Michael Youssef’s new book Fearless Living in Troubled Times provides the vital information needed to unlock that life. Living in constant fear and anxiety are not God’s plan for your life, and this book focuses on living a God-honoring life, overcoming fear through the right perspective, and understanding the true nature of the end timesGet your copy today for your gift of any amount.

We are Leading The Way for people living in spiritual darkness, at home and around the world, to discover the light of Christ as we passionately proclaim uncompromising Truth. Visit us today at http://www.ltw.org/

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