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How Much Would You Pay for a Twinkie? - I Do Every Day - July 28

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How Much Would You Pay for a Twinkie?
By Tom Davis

Back in 2000, workers for the corporate bakery that produced Twinkies went on strike. Twenty boxes from the “Great Twinkie Famine of 2000” were put up for bid. The top offer? $5,150.

That is one pricey pastry.

What we value exposes our hearts. (Sometimes, as in a box of Twinkies, our affection increases the value of its object.)

In your marriage, who or what is the chief object of your affection? To be honest, you can’t always tell my list of priorities starts with God, followed by my wife. You might mention my hobbies, like fishing or golf. Or if you spent the day with me, you might say my phone was the chief object of my affection. (Sorry, Honey.)

And in reality, those things make the object of my affection me.

But Scripture says if I love my wife like Christ loves the church (see Ephesians 5:25), then the love I have for her is measured by the sacrifices I am willing to make for her. I want to show her she is priceless.

Some days, it can be as simple as picking up the dry cleaning, cheering her on to take a night off, or giving her my undivided attention. Other days might be harder. Like giving her my undivided attention during the NBA Playoffs.

My challenge today is to demonstrate through the small, daily decisions that’s she’s worthy of my time, attention, and affection.

It helps to ask myself … what is she worth?

Speaking of worth, what do you do if you don’t think your husband is worthy of respect? Listen in.

The Good Stuff: Let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)

Action Points: What is the chief object of your affection? Does your life demonstrate that you love God above all else? Who or what competes for your time, attention, and affection?

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