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A Well-Intentioned Team of Two - I Do Every Day - December 29

I Do Every Day 2021 devotional image

A Well-Intentioned Team of Two
By Ashford Sonii

When my wife and I discovered we were going to be first time parents of twins, we buckled down as an exclusive team to be the best parents ever and braced ourselves to defeat every challenge.

We never imagined my wife being diagnosed with preeclampsia, hospitalized for a month, delivering our girls at 30 weeks, and navigating a 3-month NICU journey as our intro to parenthood.

During such a fragile time in our lives, we were incredibly vulnerable to falling apart mentally. The heavy stress and emotional pressures of such a time couldn’t be held by our well-intentioned team of two. It was impossible.

But when we welcomed community more into our lives and struggles, I watched God make the impossible possible.

Co-workers we found friendship with came together and helped with work tasks, neighbors took care of our home in ways they could, and our church community lifted all four of us in relentless prayer with willingness to make meals and even take care of our two energetic dogs.

Today, our family is healthy—the girls are getting ready to celebrate their first birthday, and though we recently moved, we’re looking forward to connecting with and serving others more.

Let’s pray with our spouse as we embrace others into our lives and reach forward for friendship and connection. God has gifted us community and engagement with one another, rather than isolation. Together, we enhance each other’s lives and achieve a work of art on display for the world to experience Jesus. When our friends and family rallied around us to bear the weight of things we couldn’t, it was as if Jesus Himself held us up.

Whether it's work or school, near or far, home or church, relationships can be tough and sometimes awkward, especially because we all make mistakes and have imperfections. But when united with others in Christ, we experience the wonder of God, making impossible circumstances possible.

Do you pray regularly with your spouse? Find ways to pray, activities to build time together, and more right here.

The Good Stuff: But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. (1 Corinthians 12:24-25)

Action Points: Take some time to pray for the community surrounding your marriage. Ask God to strengthen the close relationships you have, or even heal the broken ones. If you don’t feel you have a community, pray for God to build one that you and your spouse can actively be a part of.

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