I Do Every Day

What Your Wife Really Wants for Christmas - I Do Every Day - December 8

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What Your Wife Really Wants for Christmas
By Lisa Lakey

Every year my husband dutifully asks if there is anything I would like for Christmas. And every year I rattle off a list of items I want or need but never got around to actually getting for myself. Same for you?

Guys, let’s talk. (Ladies, you’ll get a turn tomorrow.)

If you feel stuck shopping for your wife this Christmas, here are a few ideas of what your wife really wants.

She wants you to know her. Women often struggle with who we are. (No jokes about multiple personalities, guys.) We’re confident in our identities as mothers, even as wives. But if you stripped all that away, would anyone recognize us?

Let her know you see her for who God created her to be. Slip a pretty box under the tree with an invitation for dinner or even a special lunch. Spend the time getting to know her all over again.

She wants to know she can still turn your head. I know we can get in a habit of donning sweatpants and old t-shirts the moment we get home, but we still need to know we turn you on. If you haven’t noticed, we tend to see ourselves in a negative light most of the time.

Sneak a list in her stocking of the top five things you’re attracted to. Maybe it’s the way she looks at you over her shoulder, her laugh, or maybe it really is the way she looks in those sweatpants and old tees.

She wants a day off. For one day (or week?), take care of all the things your wife would normally do—laundry, kids, meal planning, kitchen clean up, the endless errands. You’ll get bonus points if at the end of the day you tell her you have no idea how she gets it all done. DO NOT say, “Today was so easy.” That is dangerous ground, fellas.

Whether she works 9-5 outside the home or not, giving her time to herself while you dive in to her daily routine shows you recognize all the things she does.

Guys, when it comes down to it, most women just want to know you love us. My husband once wrote me a love letter with 30 little sticky notes on the bathroom mirror. I loved every single one. Some just had silly faces drawn on them. I might have loved those the most.

For more insights about blessing your wife, here are some more practical ideas.

The Good Stuff: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 18:22)

Action Points: Considering the above suggestions, think of one “gift” you can give your wife this Christmas. And don’t wait until December 24th!

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