I Do Every Day

This Has Nothing to Do With Jellybeans and Rabbits - I Do Every Day - March 22

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This Has Nothing to Do With Jellybeans and Rabbits
By Lisa Lakey

I can’t recall the reason for the fight, but I do remember going to bed angry at my new husband. On our honeymoon.

Even then, doubt crept into my mind. I wasn’t so sure we were well suited for each other, or this thing called marriage.

I didn’t have a clue what the purpose for marriage was. I didn’t know God’s plan for marriage was to reflect the fullness of who He is in an increasingly empty world. And He gives us a captivating example of what that should look like through Jesus’ life—and death—on earth.

Here are three things I’ve learned about marriage from the Easter story.

1. Marriage takes forgiveness. Even through the pain of the cross, Jesus called out on behalf of those who crucified Him. “‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do'” (Luke 23:34).

A good marriage involves a lot of asking for, giving, and receiving forgiveness. Even in the midst of pain.

2. Marriage takes faith. When Thomas heard about Jesus’ appearance after His death, he was skeptical. “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails … I will never believe.” A week later, Thomas found himself face-to-face with Jesus, who offered him His hands. “Believe,” Jesus told him (John 20:24-29).

There’ve been times I wanted proof my marriage could get better. Holding on when you want to let go takes faith. But Jesus is holding out His hands to us. Believe in His power to save.

3. Marriage needs a Savior. (And it’s not you.) Marriage is a gift, but make no mistake, it’s hard. You can’t do it on your own strength and determination.

Not long after our honeymoon, we realized our marriage needed something bigger than both of us. Stronger. Like the criminal hanging next to Jesus who said, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42).

The only One who can resurrect your marriage? A Savior.

Read more in “7 Things the Easter Story Teaches Us About Marriage.”

The Good Stuff: He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. (Matthew 28:6)

Action Points: Have you given up hope on your marriage? Thank God for the gift of life through His Son. Then ask for the same power that rose Jesus from His grave to work within your marriage.

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