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Something Worth Celebrating - I Do Every Day - May 22

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Something Worth Celebrating
By Lisa Lakey

When my husband and I were dating, we celebrated all the little things: monthiversaries, the anniversary of our first everything—dates, kisses …

But over time, we left those things behind. Which in some ways, is a good thing. What do you get a guy for your 211th monthiversary anyway? I wonder if Emily Post had protocol for that.

And those little things that seemed so big early on? They pale in comparison to what we’ve experienced over the past 18 years—both the highs and lows.

Yet … I sometimes miss those little things—the celebrations of every happy moment shared together.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not wishing to bring back monthiversaries (seriously, who has the time?). But lately, I’ve been trying to not miss the little moments we’re given, because I know each happy moment with my husband is a gift from God.

In Isaiah 65, God tells His people they should be celebrating, happy for everything God has provided. Instead? The Israelites grumble and complain.

He commands them, “But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness” (verse 18).

So, in addition to my husband’s and my annual September shindig, I’m looking for other reasons to celebrate.

Like when he comes home from work early, we can celebrate with an afternoon coffee break. Or when one of us has a great day at work, that’s worth a dinner out (or dessert after the kids are in bed). Hey, I might even start celebrating half birthdays.

Looking for a reason to celebrate your spouse? Here are a few days coming up to put on the calendar:

Say Something Nice Day—June 1
Love Is Kind Day—July 27
Sleep Under the Stars Day—August 8
Kiss and Make Up Day—August 25

Does enjoying the simple things in life honor God? Listen to this episode of FamilyLife Today®.

The Good Stuff: But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness. (Isaiah 65:18)

Action Points: What can you celebrate with your spouse this week? Plan a mini-celebration (no streamers needed, but cake never hurts) to enjoy the moment together.

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