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Money Is a Spiritual Issue - I Do Every Day - May 24

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Money Is a Spiritual Issue
By Doug Grimes, adapted from The Story of Us: A Couples Devotional

In many marriages, one spouse is a saver and the other is a spender. Unfortunately, Susan and I entered marriage as two spenders.

And it doesn’t take an accounting degree to figure out the problems we faced. Let’s just say that our spending habits did not lead to peace or contentment.

I still remember the frustration and shame I felt when we spent more than we had in our checking account and faced mounting overdraft fees. We were angry and disappointed—in ourselves and at each other.

We knew we needed to do something. Our first step was a 12-week course on biblical financial principles. But the first lesson wasn’t learning to budget.

Rather, we learned to go deeper to the heart level and understand God’s perspective on money.

Matthew 6:24 tells us we cannot serve two masters—God and money. Simply put, our perspective of money is a spiritual issue. How you handle your money exposes your priorities, and where you find happiness and peace.

If you had asked us early in our marriage what emotions we experienced when the subject of finances was brought up, fear and frustration would have been at the top of the list.

Yet after years of moving in a God-honoring direction, we would now be able to say peace and contentment. And that also applies to our marriage.

One of the biggest reasons financial troubles lead to divorce is that couples are too scared or embarrassed to talk about it with each other. Communicating about finances means talking about mistakes and poor choices.

But it also means forgiving each other for poor choices.

Give this area of your lives over to God, and trust Him to help you handle your finances wisely. Peace and contentment are waiting for you.

Not sure how to start that conversation? Read “10 Principles for Talking With Your Spouse About Money.”

The Good Stuff: No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despite the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Matthew 6:24)

Action Points: How have money and possessions competed with your spiritual life? Confess any poor attitudes about money to God. Then ask for wisdom and courage to make the necessary adjustments.

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