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I Appreciate You. Even When You’re Wearing That. - I Do Every Day - June 28

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I Appreciate You. Even When You’re Wearing That.
By Bruce Goff

It was just another routine bedtime for our 4 year-old daughter.

“Where are your underwear?!” I overheard my wife ask as I walked by the bedroom.

“On your head,” was the matter-of-fact answer.

“What?! How'd they get there?!” asked my wife, apparently surprised.

I realized in that moment that she has a lot on her plate. And her fun-loving head.

And I noticed something else—I don’t always give my spouse the credit she deserves.

So here are three things I want to acknowledge and appreciate about my wife.

1. She makes life fun.
We have two daughters. Our oldest wants someone to play with during every moment of consciousness.

I’m all for tickle fights or running around outside, but there’s just something so draining about a pretend tea party. I can’t explain it.

But my wife sits down with a pretend cup of strawberry tea and connects with our daughters right where it means the most to them.

2. She teaches our kids.
Whether it’s going over the New City Catechism, some project with jelly beans and math, or basic hygiene (hence the undies), our girls are going to be able to function in society.

And I owe most of that to my wife.

3. She points our family to the gospel.
The other day I overheard her telling our oldest about Passover and the lamb’s blood on the doorposts. She explained how it’s Jesus who saves us now from God’s wrath.

My wife takes these lofty, amazing, beautiful truths, and captivates a 4-year-old. I’m pretty sure Jonathan Edwards or Billy Graham couldn’t have done better in that moment.

It's so easy to take your spouse for granted, especially in simple, everyday things. But it's those faithful, time-and-again-gifts we should never forget to thank God for and voice to a spouse.

So here’s to you undies-head mom. I see you, and I’m grateful.

In this episode of FamilyLife Today®, Gloria Furman talks about finding God’s purposes in the daily grind of being a mom.

The Good Stuff: “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” (Proverbs 31:10)

Action Points:

  • What are three things you appreciate about your spouse?
  • Show your spouse your appreciation for something specific.

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