One Year Devotions for Women

A New Ministry - One Year Devotions for Women

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Then I will teach your ways to sinners, and they will return to you. - Psalm 51:13

A new ministry begins when we have a new sense of cleansing and renewal. After all, we have something new to share.

David knew that. Once God had forgiven him, he knew he could better teach repentance and renewal to other transgressors like himself.

Somehow someone on a platform is set apart from those in the audience. However, if the speaker is able to share the listeners’ experiences, it helps the audience to identify. When I came out the other end of a long, dark tunnel of loneliness, experiencing depression and disgust with myself, I was ready to share my lessons with others still in the tunnel. As I began to speak, I hesitantly admitted my failures, and then discovered that many women identified with and responded to me. They felt I was just like they were—which of course I was!

When I shared the fact that I looked under the bed when I was alone at night, I found instant rapport! I was not proud of my lack of faith, simply truthful. The secret, of course, is not only to share one’s shortcomings, but the answers! As we present the God of our salvation—from sin, failure, and fear—then sinners will be converted! It’s neat to tell people that God can help them get into bed without looking under it! If God has cleansed you anew, he has a new ministry for you. Accept it.

For Further Study: Psalm 24:1-10

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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