One Year Devotions for Women

Dead on Time! - One Year Devotions for Women

A time to be born and a time to die. - Ecclesiastes 3:2

As I grow older, I occasionally struggle with accepting wrinkles, double chins, a failing memory, and glasses! The day I got my first pair of bifocals a friend of mine (or so I thought!) left me a funny poem:

My glasses come in handy,
My hearing aid is fine,
My false teeth are just dandy,
But I sure do miss my mind!

That didn’t help! My husband, seeing my struggle, usually tells me to get my theology straight—I was born at the right moment and will be “dead on time.” Therefore, I must stop wanting to reverse the trend! Life has been so good to me, I cling to it. But I have a poor view of heaven if I want to stay on earth.

A friend of mine, my age and dying of cancer, told me people keep asking her if she is angry. “Why should I be angry?” she asked me. “I’ve had a marvelous life, and heaven will be even better. Sure, I’ll miss everyone, and I hope they will miss me, but it’s my time, and it’s all right.” What a contrast to the statement of a girl being interviewed on a TV show about 
her reaction when she discovered she had cancer. “I hit out at everyone in sight,” she said. “It was so unfair! I hadn’t had time to do everything I wanted to do. Mostly I was mad at God.”

When you know Jesus, you let him wind your watch. When it stops, he gives you a new one with everlasting springs!

For Further Study: Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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