One Year Devotions for Women

Knowing Is Joy - One Year Devotions for Women

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Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. - Psalm 100:3

Joy comes through obedience, separation, and knowledge. When you have to do something you are frightened of doing, then it’s what you know that will determine how you feel!

The psalmist told us we can make a joyful noise to the Lord when we know the Lord is God (Psalm 100:1)! Do we believe that God holds the whole world in his hands? If so, then that knowledge can filter down through our brains to our emotions and gently untie the knots in our stomach.

When you are asked to stand up in front of a crowd of people (especially people you know well) and give a speech, it’s what you know that will help you at that time. You know that “God, who calls you, is faithful; he will do this” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)! There is great joy in knowing that!

When you are having your in-laws stay for the weekend, it’s what you know that will help you to look forward to the visit with gladness. You know that the Holy Spirit will shed his love abroad in your heart for your relatives. “Hallelujah; I need that,” you mutter!

God is my Mighty Creator, Provider, Redeemer. Knowing that he is gives me a joyful expectation that he will be all that he is in my particular situation. There is great joy in knowing he will simply be himself and help me be myself, while others are busy being themselves! Knowing is joy!

For Further Study: Psalm 100:1-5

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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