Parenting by Design Daily Devotional and Devotions for Christian Parents

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Parenting by Design - February 28


Mark 6:30-31: The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" (NIV).

Even though the apostles were busy doing the work of the Kingdom, Jesus recognized their need for rest and made sure they set some quiet time aside to replenish their bodies and souls. What a great lesson for us! When our days are scheduled tightly, we leave no margin for error and any unexpected hindrance is magnified. This creates unnecessary stress and can leave everyone irritable and exhausted. In a culture that glorifies activity, achievement, and "busyness", it can be hard to slow down the pace of our lives and the lives of our children. It takes wisdom to prioritize our activities and risk feeling "left out" of the mainstream. Are there areas where you or your children's lives might be overscheduled? 

Make it a priority to provide time for rest and relaxation for everyone in your family… including yourself! 

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