Quiet Walk Daily Bible Reading, Walk Thru the Bible Devotional

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Quiet Walk - July 21


July 21

Esther 9

With the king’s permission, the Jews are allowed to protect themselves.


National salvation is culminated for the Jews. When the fateful day arrives, the Jews throughout the empire stand on the defense. In the provinces, 75,000 of their assailants fall—500 of them in the capital of Susa alone. Among these are the 10 sons of Haman. A divine purpose runs through all human governments and events; and as God exalted Mordecai to honor and glory, so will He work for those who love Him. And so, ultimately, will He put all enemies under His feet.


God is far more powerful than any earthly leader. Thank Him that His power is tempered with righteousness and compassion:

The Lord is King forever and ever;
The nations have perished out of His land.
Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble;
You will prepare their heart;
You will cause Your ear to hear,
To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
That the man of the earth may oppress no more.
(Psalm 10:16-18)

Pause for praise and thanksgiving.

As you seek to keep your life free from sin, pray this confession to the Lord:

May the Lord cut off all flattering lips,
And the tongue that speaks proud things,
Who have said,
“With our tongue we will prevail;
Our lips are our own;
Who is lord over us?”
(Psalm 12:3-4)

Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind, and pray this affirmation to the Lord:

The words of the Lord are pure words,
Like silver tried in a furnace of earth,
Purified seven times.
You shall keep them, O Lord,
You shall preserve them from this generation forever.
(Psalm 12:6-7)

Our heavenly Father loves to communicate with His children. As you make your requests known to the Lord, include:

-- Wisdom for your church leaders
-- Your activities for the day
-- Whatever else is on your heart

Offer this closing prayer to the Lord:

The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen! (2 Timothy 4:18).

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