Daily Living for Senior Devotional and Bible Devotions

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Senior Living - August 26


Where to find true security

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. - John 10:28

The famous author and pastor F. B. Meyer wrote about two Germans who wanted to climb the Matterhorn. They hired three guides and began their ascent at the steepest and most slippery part. The men roped themselves together in this order: guide, traveler, guide, traveler, guide.

They had gone only a little way up the side when the last man lost his footing. He was held up temporarily by the other four because each had a toehold in the niches they had cut in the ice. But then the next man slipped, and he pulled down the two above him. The only one to stand firm was the first guide, who had driven a spike deep into the ice.

Because he held his ground, all the men beneath him regained their footing. F. B. Meyer concluded his story by drawing a spiritual application. He said, “I am like one of those men who slipped, but thank God, I am bound in a living partnership to Christ. And because He stands, I will never perish.”

Because of God’s great love for us, those who are in Christ are planted firmly and secure in His loving arms. So thank God today for His faithfulness to you in Christ. And if you haven’t done so, trust in Jesus today to forgive your sins and place yourself securely in Him!

Prayer Challenge

Give God thanks that He’s faithful to you and trust Him fully for the forgiveness of your sins!

Questions for Thought

What does your security in Jesus Christ say about how much God loves you?

Because you’re firmly planted in Christ by faith in Him, what kind of confidence do you have when it comes to facing life and facing the afterlife?

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