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How to Experience Spiritual Renewal - Senior Living - August 15

How to experience spiritual renewal

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” - Hebrews 12:28-29

There’s a story an American Lutheran bishop tells of visiting a parish church in California and seeing a stirring red and orange banner on the wall. “Come Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!” it declared in words printed under a picture of a fire burning. But what really attracted his attention during his Sunday sermon was a sign directly underneath the banner which said: “Fire extinguisher.”

Looking down at his sermon notes, the bishop laughed as he thought to himself, “So much for this parish’s commitment to spiritual renewal!”

When it comes to spiritual renewal in our lives, many Christians carry around a spiritual fire extinguisher because they’re afraid of looking too “extreme” in what they believe or are afraid people will think they’re crazy. But if you look at those who’ve followed Christ most closely in the pages of the Bible and throughout history, you’ll find that while many of them were looked down upon for their faith, they were also well respected among believers and non-believers alike for sticking to their convictions.

So instead of trying to control the fire of the Holy Spirit in your life, let it burn free, moving to every area and consuming all you are as you’re transformed by the renewing of your mind!

Prayer Challenge

Offer your entire self to God and allow Him to consume everything you are!

Questions for Thought

If someone were to ask those whom you interact with every day about how committed you are to God, what do you think they would say?

What are some areas of your life today in which you need to let God’s fire burn away the impurities and give wholly to Him?

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