Daily Living for Senior Devotional and Bible Devotions

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Senior Living - February 4

For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. --2 Corinthians 1:5

The Chicago Tribune published a story once about 15-year-old Douglas Maurer. He had suffered from a high fever and flu-like symptoms for several days, so finally his mother took him to the hospital. It was there that Douglas was diagnosed with leukemia.

The doctors explained the disease to Douglas and said he would have to undergo intense chemotherapy for the next three years. They told him about the side effects that would follow…baldness and a bloated body…and Douglas became very depressed.

To lift his spirits, Douglas' aunt called a local floral shop to send him a flower arrangement. She told the clerk it was for her teenage nephew who had leukemia.

When the beautiful flowers arrived at the hospital, Douglas read the card from his aunt. Then he saw a second card attached that said: "Douglas—I took your order. I work at Brix florist. I had leukemia when I was 7 years old. I'm 22 years old now. Good luck. My heart goes out to you. Sincerely, Laura Bradley."  For the first time since his diagnosis, Douglas' face lit up.

Douglas Maurer was in a hospital filled with sophisticated medical equipment and technology. He was being treated by some of the best doctors and nurses around. But it was a simple sales clerk in a flower shop that took the time to care. She was the one person who gave Douglas hope to carry on.

Is there someone in your life suffering from some sort of affliction who needs comfort? If so, seek to show them love, compassion, and encouragement. You could be the one person who can make a difference in the life of another who is suffering without hope.

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Pray that the Lord would help you to bring comfort and encouragement to someone who needs it more than ever today.

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