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When Imperfections Turn into Blessings - Senior Living - January 8

When Imperfections Turn into Blessings

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. --Isaiah 41:10

Snowflakes are fascinating.. They come in all different shapes and sizes.  Some appear as delicate lace doilies others as shining stars.  Yet they all have their similarities. Each snowflake has six points, is made up of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, and is symmetrical in shape.

But did you know that the ice that makes a snowflake collects around a particle of dust floating in the atmosphere? The tiny imperfection may be as small as 1/100,000 of a millimeter in size, but it has to exist for a snowflake to form!

In the same way, imperfections in life can often be the catalysts that cause something wonderful and beautiful to happen. A "foreign invader" that crashes into our lives—such as a terminal illness, an accident, or a heartbreak—can actually turn into a source of blessing.

As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in its time."

When you encounter obstacles in life, remember that they give you, as a believer, the chance to let God make something wonderful happen. If you are struggling with a difficult situation in your life, seek the Lord and wait for Him to create from it a beautiful blessing. Because I promise…if you're looking for it…He will!

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Thank God that when hardships come, He makes something beautiful as a result! Pray that He would continue to transform your trials into blessings by surrounding you with His grace, love, and mercy. 

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