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How to Live Free from Guilt and Shame - Senior Living - July 6

How to live free from guilt and shame

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. - James 5:16

The scene was the San Diego Superior Court. Two men were on trial for armed robbery, and the final witness had been brought up to testify against them. The prosecutor asked her, “So you say you saw a vehicle leave the scene at a high rate of speed with two men in it?”

“Yes,” replied the nervous witness.

“And are those two men present in the courtroom today?” the prosecutor thundered.

What happened next sealed the defendants’ fate. Both of them raised their hands!

Guilt… A lot of times, it’s written all over our face. We know we’ve done wrong and we’re desperately looking to get it off our chest. That’s exactly why the old adage is true: Confession is good for the soul!

Not only does confession help relieve guilt, it shines light in on our mistakes and invites others in to walk with us through them. That’s why one of the worst things we can do about our missteps is to cover them up. Instead, we need trustworthy people who can help us through them!

Don’t live a life of shame with your sins hidden in a closet. Open the door and let God’s light shine in. Confess your sins and you’ll be able to walk in freedom from guilt!

Prayer Challenge:

Pray that God would reveal people in your life today to whom you can confess your sins and learn to walk in freedom.

Questions for Thought:

What sins do you have locked away and hidden because of guilt and shame?

Who in your life today can you invite to walk with you as you confess those sins and let God’s light shine in those dark corners?

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