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Love Your Enemies? - Senior Living - May 25

Love your enemies?

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” - >Matthew 5:43-44

Corrie Ten Boom in her book, Reflections of God’s Glory, shared the story of a Christian man she met in Africa who had bandaged hands. She asked him how he was injured, and he said, “My neighbor’s straw roof was on fire; I helped him to put it out.”

Later, Corrie heard the rest of the story. The neighbor hated this man and set his roof on fire while he, his wife, and his children were asleep inside. Fortunately, he was able to put out the fire in his house. But sparks flew over to the neighbor’s roof and set it ablaze.

So this man did everything he could to help his neighbor put out the fire in his house – and that’s how his hands were burned.

Christ’s call to “love your enemies” isn’t one that’s easy. But when love that surpasses all understanding is shown to those who deserve it least, God does some incredible things.

So love your enemies even when it’s hard. You can’t do it on your own, but God will help you when you need it!

Prayer Challenge:

Ask God to help you love your enemies – even when you don’t want to.

Questions for Thought:

Why do you think loving our enemies is such a powerful display of the Gospel?

Who are some people in your life today whom you need God’s help to love?

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