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Senior Living - November 4, 2016

How God leads you through your fears

November 4

“So do not fear, for I am with you;do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10

A story is told of a general in the Persian army who captured spies and sentenced them to death. This general had the strange custom of giving condemned criminals a choice between going before a firing squad or walking through a big black door.

Almost without fail, prisoners would choose the firing squad. When one of his commanders asked the general why so few picked the door, he said, “People always prefer the known and fear the unknown. But what they don’t know is that on the other side of that big black door is freedom.”

Quite often, the best opportunities we have in life lie beyond big doors of the great unknown. Yet instead of walking through those doors, most people are content to remain in their current “safe” circumstances, completely missing out on the opportunities that await them on the other side.

Don’t be afraid of the big, foreboding doors of life. Be willing to face your fears and jump into new opportunities that draw you out of your comfort zone. God is in control. Trust Him to help you overcome your fears and He’ll bring you into a new reliance on Him as your provider!

Prayer Challenge

Ask God to bring you into situations where He can help you overcome your fears and develop a deeper trust in Him.

Questions for Thought

Amidst all the chaos going on in the world today, what is your biggest fear right now? How might God be calling you to overcome that fear and develop a deeper trust in.

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