Daily Living for Senior Devotional and Bible Devotions

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Senior Living - October 29

The most fruitful way to spend your time

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8

Charles Francis Adams, the 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: “Went fishing with my son today—a day wasted.” His son, Brook Adams, also kept a diary, which is still in existence. On that same day, Brook Adams made this entry: “Went fishing with my father—the most wonderful day of my life!”

It’s amazing how two people can see the same thing, yet not see the same thing. Charles Adams saw his day spent fishing as a wasted day—a day when he could’ve been much more “productive” had he been working. Yet his son saw the time investment as meaningful and loving. What a tragic difference in perspectives.

The only way to tell the difference between wasting and investing is to know one’s ultimate purpose in life. For some, time spent praying and reading the Bible is time wasted, when so much more could be done.

Yet for those with the right perspective, it’s time with their Heavenly Father, who longs for them to invest their time in Him. So have the right perspective. Spend your time building your relationship with God. It will be the best time you’ll ever invest!

Prayer Challenge

Pray and ask God to give you a correct perspective with regard to your time.

Questions for Thought

What are some lies that the enemy puts into your head when you think about spending time in God’s Word and praying?

How can you overcome those lies and have the right perspective that time with God is time well spent? 

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