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Senior Living - October 6, 2015


What to do when you feel forgotten

October 6, 2015

What is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

Psalm 8:4

A man from the city was visiting relatives out on a farm. He watched as his uncle whistled at his dog and his dog herded cattle into the corral. Then, the dog latched the gate with her paw. The man was astounded and said, “Wow! That’s some dog. What’s her name?”

The old farmer thought for a minute before he asked, “What do you call that red flower that smells good and has thorns on the stem?”

“A rose?”

“That’s it!” the farmer exclaimed as he turned to his wife. “Rose, what’s the name of this dog?”

People can often forget some very important details of life. But there’s one who never forgets anything: God. In fact, He’s so mindful of us that He rescued us from the darkness of sin even though our sin separated us from Him.

Don’t be discouraged when you feel forgotten by others. Instead, think of the one who always remembers you and loves you so much that He rescued you from the very sin that separated you from Him. Remember God!

Prayer Challenge

Pray that God would encourage you when others forget you and thank Him that He loves you and is mindful of you enough to save you from you sins.

Questions for Thought

Think of a time when someone you cared about forgot something important. How did it make you feel?

What does God’s act of sending Jesus to rescue you say about how He loves you?

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