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How to Handle Disagreements Among the Body - Senior Living - September 12

How to Handle Disagreements Among the Body

September 11

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. - >1 Peter 3:8

Veteran American League baseball umpire Bill Guthrie was working behind the plate one afternoon, and the catcher for the visiting team was repeatedly protesting his calls. Guthrie endured this for a number of innings, and then he spoke up.

“Son,” he said softly, “you’ve been a big help to me in calling balls and strikes today, and I appreciate it. But I think I’ve got the hang of it now, so I’m going to ask you to go to the clubhouse and show whoever’s there how to take a shower.”

Among believers today, some of the most bitter arguments are those that don’t have to be so divisive if only we’d address them in a loving way. When we think about nonessential issues such as worship style, what the pastor wears, and how our churches are arranged, we can disagree on these things without being disagreeable.

The truth is, we simpy can’t allow the all-important work of expanding God’s Kingdom to be thwarted by arguments of little to no eternal value. So don’t be divided by arguments that are ultimately insignificant. Push through your minor disagreements with one another and work together for the Kingdom of God!

Prayer Challenge

Pray that God would give you the patience and understanding you need to stay unified with other believers – even when you disagree.

Questions for Thought

What’s one issue you have a strong opinion about that other Christians may disagree with you?

When it comes to being unified in faith and reaching the world for Christ, what can you do to put aside petty differences and move forward together with other believers?

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