<< Today's Devotionals

HomeWord - Feb. 13, 2007


Mister, Are You God? 
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

Dear Children, let us not love with word or tongue, but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 (NIV) 

A story has been told how shortly after World War II came to a close, Europeans began picking up the pieces. Much of the Old Country had been ravaged by the war and was in ruins. A common, yet sad sight was that of orphaned children starving in the streets of war-torn cities. 

Early one morning, an American soldier was making his way back to his barracks in London. As he passed a doughnut shop, he saw a little boy staring into the window. The soldier turned the corner in his Jeep, got out and walked quietly over to where the little fellow was standing. Through the steamed-up window the boy could see the mouth-watering doughnuts as they were being prepared. The boy released a slight groan as he watched the cook place them into the glass-enclosed counter. 

The soldier’s heart went out to the orphan standing beside him. “Son would you like some of those?” the soldier asked. The boy startled. “Oh yes, I would!” he exclaimed. 

The soldier went inside the shop and bought a dozen doughnuts, put them in a bag and walked back to where the boy was standing. He smiled, held out the warm bag and said, “Here you are young man.” 

As he turned to walk away, the soldier felt a tug on his coat. He turned around and the child asked quietly, “Mister, are you God?” 

This is a great reminder that we are never more like God than when we lovingly give to others. The world, much like the boy in the story, will recognize you as a child of God when you show His love through your actions. 

Today, will others see God in your life by how you love and how you give?

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1. Jesus said (John 14) that others will know we are His followers by our love for one another. Reflecting on your own life, do your actions show that you are a follower of Jesus?

2. How have you recently demonstrated God’s love to someone else?

3. Think of a specific action you can take today to demonstrate God’s love to someone else.


Matthew 25:31-36; John 14:23-24; 1 John 3:16-23

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