Day by Day - Mar. 14-15, 2009
March 14-15, 2009
Making Some Essential Changes
by Charles R. Swindoll
God did a remarkable act of creation when He made the human body. The more advanced the medical profession becomes, the more we discover what an amazing machine the body is. From the remarkable bone-tendon-muscle structure to the delicate and sensitive network of nerves . . . how the oxygen-carrying blood-circulation system is tied in so perfectly with the necessary and healthy function of the lungs . . . and how many of the organs work in concert with the digestive system, turning the food we eat into the fuel we need.
What makes all of this even more amazing is how all these intricate parts of our inner machine continue to function even though we have spent years of our lives ignoring habits of health or, worse, abusing the body God gave us. Sometimes, however, the harsh reality of consequences (aggravated by aging!) catches up with us, and we find ourselves in need of assistance to help us recover from sickness. We reach the place where we must deal more deliberately, sometimes aggressively, with losing the weight we've gained and making some essential changes in what we eat and drink.
Quite likely, you may need a sensible plan to help you understand how you're made, why you need to start doing this and stop doing that, in order to glean the maximum benefits out of the rest of your years on the planet. Among the most important parts of any plan is the need to maintain good digestion. No one is immune to problems in this area.
Let's close this devotional with a brief prayer. Make it your prayer today:
Dear Father, thank You for making my body in such an amazing way. Forgive me for ignoring good habits of health for too long. Help me as I give attention to the things that need to be addressed. Empower me to maintain the necessary discipline to stay at it---day in and day out. I want to do everything I do for Your glory, so may Your name be honored as a result of everything that I accomplish. I ask this in Christ's name, amen.
Reprinted by permission. Day by Day, Charles Swindoll, July 2005, Thomas Nelson, inc., Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved. Purchase "Day by Day" here.