What's Essential for Survival - Today's Insight - February 12, 2016
What's Essential for Survival
Some things are essential for survival. We must have air to breathe. We must have food to eat. And we must have water to drink. Matter of fact, water is second only to oxygen as essential to life. Life as we know it cannot exist without water.
While we're thinking of the benefits of water, it's also important to remember that water is absolutely crucial for successful weight management. Dr. Kip Johnson teaches that 99 percent of all the chemical reactions in the body involve water. Isn't it amazing that we were never taught the incredible value of something as basic to life as water? Being aware of these important facts—and changing our habits to coincide with them—will result in our physical well-being and will greatly improve our attitude in life and, quite likely, our length of life.
The Bible mentions a vivid word picture that portrays a person who is healthy within. Because the word picture includes the significance of water, it's worth a closer look. The prophet Isaiah wrote:
And the LORD will continually guide you,
And satisfy your desire in scorched places,
And give strength to your bones;
And you will be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.(Isaiah 58:11)
If you take the time to examine the first 12 verses of this chapter, you will find that they are addressing the essential role of forgiveness—truly and completely forgiving others, including "your own flesh" (your own family members). How important it is that we release all grudges, that we stop the blame game, and that we deliberately pull in those anchors we've been dragging far too long!
Can you think of someone you need to forgive? Why not do so? Is there any benefit you gain from licking your wounds and allowing a root of resentment to grow into bitterness? Doesn't it make good sense to fully forgive that person and move on? Forgiveness is one of the foundational building blocks of a healthier inner life.
Like water, it’s essential for your spiritual survival.
Forgiveness is a foundational building block of a healthy inner life.
— Charles R. SwindollTweet ThisCopyright © 2006 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.
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