Truth For Life Daily, with Alistair Begg

Truth for Life - April 12, 2015

April 12

The King’s Garden

Nehemiah 3:15

Mention of the king's garden by Nehemiah brings to mind the paradise that the King of kings prepared for Adam. Sin has utterly ruined that delightful dwelling and has driven out the children of men to till the ground, which yields thorns and thistles to them. My soul, remember the Fall, for it was your fall. Weep much because the Lord of love was so shamefully ill treated by the head of the human race, of which you are a member, as undeserving as any. Behold how dragons and demons dwell on this fair earth, which was once a garden of delights.

Look now at another King's garden, which the King waters with His bloody sweat—Gethsemane, whose bitter herbs are far sweeter to renewed souls than the luscious fruits of Eden. In Gethsemane the mischief of the serpent in the first garden was undone: There the curse was lifted from earth and borne by the woman's promised seed. My soul, learn to ponder Christ's agony and passion; visit the garden of the olive-press, and view your great Redeemer rescuing you from your lost condition. This is the garden of gardens; indeed, here the soul may see the guilt of sin and the power of love, two sights that surpass all others.

Is there no other King's garden? Yes, my heart, or should be. How do the flowers flourish? Do any choice fruits appear? Does the King walk there and rest in the arbor of my spirit? Let me ensure that the plants are trimmed and watered, and the mischievous foxes hunted out. Come, Lord, and let the heavenly wind blow at Your coming, that the spices of Your garden may cast their fragrance everywhere. I must not forget the King's garden of the church. O Lord, send prosperity to it. Rebuild her walls, nourish her plants, ripen her fruits, and from the huge wilderness reclaim the wasteland and make of it a King's garden.

Family Bible reading plan

verse 1 Proverbs 30

verse 2 1 Timothy 1

My Best-Ever Book of Bible Stories by Phil A. Smouse

Award-winning author and illustrator PhiI A. Smouse  presents the truth of Scripture to young children though fun, brightly illustrated stories that families will enjoy for years to come. My Best-Ever Book of Bible Stories contains 17 Gospel-centered stories told in humorous rhyme. Clever retellings of key Scripture from both the Old and New Testament teach young children about Creation, Adam and Eve, the Good Samaritan, and Jesus and Nicodemus. Most importantly, My Best-Ever Book of Bible Stories is an engaging way for adults to share biblical truth with the children in their lives.

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From Morning & Evening revised and edited by Alistair Begg copyright © 2003. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,