Thinking Christianly - Truth For Life - March 25
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
In many ways, we are what we think. Our minds are the root of our actions, and it is through our minds that our affections are stirred. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that we think about the right things and that we learn to think in the right way. In other words, we must learn to think Christianly.
Some people would say that to think Christianly is to have a mind that only contemplates explicitly Christian topics, closing itself to every other notion. But this doesn’t fit the description of Christian thinking that we find in Scripture. The Bible teaches that we actually ought to think about everything, but that we need to learn to do so from a biblical perspective (2 Corinthians 10:5). We should consider music, engineering, medicine, art, justice, freedom, and love—the whole gamut of human existence—through the lens of the revealed truths of God’s word.
The apostle Paul understood this, so he gave us a list of qualities with which to construct the framework of our thinking. As followers of Christ, Paul said, our thoughts ought to be directed and governed by qualities like truth, honor, justice, and purity.
We are, he says, to think about those things in which there is “any excellence.” The word he uses for “excellence” is the Greek word areté, which is the most comprehensive word in the Greek language for “virtue.” In other words, Paul gives us the standard against which we can judge our thought patterns on a regular basis. We can look to God’s word and ask, “Is what I am choosing to think about, and the way that I am choosing to think about it, in line with moral excellence? Is it in line with God’s approval?”
What a challenge this is! This manner of thinking won’t happen in a vacuum or without plenty of effort. If we hope to cultivate it, we must meditate on God’s word day and night (Joshua 1:8). As we continually strive to be transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:2), we will not only glorify God but also be strengthened in our ability to contend for the gospel in our conversations.
So, as you think about your thoughts, here are three questions to ask as you seek to apply this verse in your life:
Is there anything I should think about more?
Is there anything I should think about less, or not at all?
Is there anything I should think about differently?
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Devotional material is taken from the Truth For Life daily devotional by Alistair Begg, published by The Good Book Company, Used by Truth For Life with permission. Copyright © 2021, The Good Book Company.