Truth For Life Daily, with Alistair Begg

Truth for Life - May 13, 2017

May 13

Just a Little Longer

Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. - Psalms 30:5

Christian, if you are in a night of trial, think of tomorrow; cheer up your heart with the thought of the coming of your Lord. Be patient, for "Lo! He comes with clouds descending." Be patient! The farmer waits until He reaps His harvest.

Be patient; for you know who has said, "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with Me, to repay everyone for what he has done." If you are presently in wretched circumstances, remember:

A few more days of marching into battle, 
Then you will receive the crown.

Your head may be bowed with thorny troubles now, but it shall wear a starry crown before long. Your heart may be filled with care--it shall be filled with the praise of heaven soon. Your clothes may be soiled with dust now; soon they shall be gloriously white. Wait a little longer. How trivial our troubles and trials will seem when we look back upon them! Looking at them here in the prospect, they seem immense; but when we get to heaven we shall view everything from a new perspective.

Our trials will then seem light and momentary afflictions. Let us go on boldly; even if the night be ever so dark, the morning comes, which is more than they can say who are shut up in the darkness of hell. Do you know what it is then to live on the future--to live on expectation--to anticipate heaven? You are happy, believer, to have such a sure and comforting hope. It may be all dark now, but it will soon be light; it may be all trial now, but it will soon be all happiness. What does it matter if "weeping may tarry for the night" when "joy comes with the morning"?

Family Bible reading plan

verse 1 Numbers 22

verse 2 Psalms 62, 63

My 1st Books and More

My 1st Books and More is a compilation from the series My 1st Book . . .  by Carine MacKenzie and Philip Ross. Consolidating the content from all of these titles in one resource, My 1st Books and More gives parents a comprehensive study tool from which to teach children Christian values, the Gospel, the nature of the One True God, Jesus Lord and Saviour, the Psalms, and prayers from Scripture. Presented in a devotional style question and answer format, My 1st Books and More contains more than a year’s worth (371) questions and answers for parents to discuss with young children. Not intended for independent reading by children, this book is for families to share God-centered, Christ-honoring, character-building teaching.

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From Morning & Evening revised and edited by Alistair Begg copyright © 2003. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,