The Weekly Focal Point with Mike Fabarez, Bible Devotional

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The Weekly Focal Point - February 4, 2021

Authority of Scripture

Without an unswerving resolve to affirm that God has inscribed his authoritative voice on the pages of Scripture we are hopelessly lost on a turbulent sea of speculation and opinion. Isaiah cries out to those who subjectively look inward or elsewhere for answers and says, “to the law and to the testimony” for “should not a people inquire of their God?” (8:19-20). The familiar words of Proverbs 3:5 exhort: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding”.

Unfortunately for many Christians this means nothing more than subjectively imagining what God’s input might be. But we need the objectivity of Scripture and not the subjectivity of our speculation. Subjectivity was the low point of biblical history. Remember the closing words of Judges, “and everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Jdg.21:25b). We must value and consult God’s written word if we are to claim his wisdom and direction.

Trusting in him and not ourselves means that we exalt his inspired sentences above our feelings and even our impressions about what his thoughts might be. As the Psalmist often affirmed, “I shall have an answer… for I trust in your word” (119:42).

-- Pastor Mike

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