Wholly Loved

Comforting Others - Wholly Loved - May 2

Comforting Others

By Shellie Arnold

“… who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Cor. 1:4

God can and will use everything to grow us and our ministry to others. I saw this truth played out some time ago when a friend said to me, “Shellie, you’re angry at God. And you need to tell Him that.”

I couldn’t believe what she was saying. Wouldn’t God be mad at me if I told Him how I felt?

“He knows anyway,” she continued. “You need to get that out of you, so you and God can work on it and get to the roots.”

Over the next days, weeks, and years I took her advice. I learned I’d let my pain become a barrier between me and God. I learned how to be honest with Him, even when angry at His decisions or He allowed painful things to happen. Sharing my negative emotions with God was a huge step toward trusting Him with the hard stuff. Knowing I could tell Him how I felt meant I didn’t have to carry pain on my own. More importantly, it meant I could get His perspective, receive His comfort, and have hope for my future.

Fast forward a couple of decades. My best friend had suffered unspeakable loss with the miscarriage of twin boys—children she and her husband had prayed for and tried for, for years.

And she was angry, and I knew exactly how she felt.

During a candid conversation, God allowed me to live the truth of 2 Cor. 1:4 when I said to her, “You’re angry at God and you need to tell Him that.”

I’m honored and humbled to have been a part of that difficult season in her life. God used my anger and pain to help someone else who was angry and in pain.

How has God comforted you? Consider how you can now comfort others from the comfort you received.

Shellie Arnoldis a multi-published author and sexual abuse survivor who believes any marriage can be healed. She’s a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries2019 devotional project. Visit her online at ShellieArnold.com.

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