Wholly Loved

Fellowship with Christ - Wholly Loved - July 24

Fellowship with Christ

By Julie Holmquist

“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9

Have you ever found yourself wandering spiritually? Your relationship with God became stale and unfulfilling? I have.

I can drift in my relationship with God. Matter of fact, I began slipping into negative habits. I was going to church, reading my Bible, and listening to praise and worship music. On the outside everything looked okay.

But it wasn’t.

I became dissatisfied and disillusioned with life; consequently, I became complacent. During those times, I can dance dangerously close to sin and almost jump in completely!

But when that happens, God is faithful. He reminds me of His call on my life. A call that is not merely an invitation to do something for Him, so much as to be with Him. He wants my heart, not just my actions. He doesn’t want me wandering. He wants me right next to Him, tethered to His faithfulness. God doesn’t want me just reading my Bible so I can check it off on my list of things to do. He wants me to have a conversation with Him.

 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” lyrics read:

“Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;

Prone to leave the God I love:

Take my heart, oh, take and seal it

With Thy Spirit from above.”

We are prone to wander and to leave the God we love. Our relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit seals our hearts, and He promises to complete the work He’s started. Our part? To stay connected with Him. But even when we mess up, as we will, we can rest in knowing His love holds us secure.

If you’ve lost your way and you’re drifting, perhaps you’ve also neglected your relationship with Christ. He invites you to return, to draw next to Him, and promises to hold us secure to the end of time.

Since He called us to fellowship with His Son, He is the One Who will keep us blameless. He makes good on His promises.

Julie Holmquist is a contributing writer to Wholly Loved Ministries’devotionals and is a contributing author for Devotableapp.com. She’s written and produced video devotionals as well. She graduated from Christ for the Nations Bible school in Dallas, TX and holds an associates degree in practical theology. She enjoys all things personality and has probably taken every personality test there is. You can find Julie online at Stuff of Heaven, follow her on Instagram at Stuff of Heaven and at Twitter at Stuff of Heaven,and connect with her on Facebook at Stuff of Heaven (Julie Holmquist).

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