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Get the Right Mix - Wholly Loved - August 23

Get the Right Mix
By Kristen Terrette

“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6

Humor, tension, sacrifice, love, heroism, and redemption. Blend those together and you’ve got a great novel. This combination takes the reader to another time and place, offering an escape while connecting with us emotionally. These elements are woven together in perfect balance, like a morsel of white chocolate hidden in a slice of my favorite banana bread. 

Sometimes accomplishing the right mix of ingredients—in cooking, literature, and life—is difficult. Too much of any one thing is usually a bad idea.

Paul understood the importance of this principle and advised that our conversations with those outside the faith contain the right amount of grace and salt. In Greek society, salt was an emblem of wit, which meant to have good sense and intelligence. And understanding grace as unmerited favor, Paul was saying we should combine our wisdom with words (wit) with an attitude of grace.

A conversation with only grace may not lead the person to repentance or deeper understanding of God. Too much salt, or wit, could give the person head knowledge without pointing them to saving faith.

In your conversations, ask God to help you find the right mix—just like a perfect recipe or a great novel. Ask Him to help you season your words with grace and wisdom, making the most of every conversation to draw others closer to God.

Kristen Terrette holds a Master's degree in Theological Studies and served as a Children's Ministry Director for five years. She cherishes her Southern roots and currently lives 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She’s following her dream by writing Christian during the day and being a wife and mom come early afternoon when the family starts to arrive home. She’s serves on the Wholly Loved Ministriesteam, serves at her local church on the women's leadership team, and writes for Crosswalk.com. To see her blog and novels, check out her website at www.kristenterrette.com.

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