Wholly Loved

How to Love Well - Wholly Loved - May 17

How to Love Well

By Kristen Terrette

“God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:8

For years, my “love” was self-serving and, at times, superficial. I wasn’t always a good friend, and I definitely wasn’t a good wife. When my husband doted on me, I acted in kind. But when there was relational tension, I worsened it by turning away and trying to fulfill my needs while neglecting his.

Then we started seeking God. As we grew closer to Him, how I loved my husband and others changed.

Slowly, I learned to express adoration while utilizing the gifts of the Spirit like joy, patience, gentleness, and self-control. I grew in my understanding of Jesus and His great love for me … for everyone. He is love, so as I grew closer to Him, I became more like Him.

Paul, who wrote today’s verse, demonstrated this progression. God took him from selfishness to sacrifice, from someone who hurt others to one who built them up. He went from persecuting Christians to investing in them. He even claimed God as his witness to the affection he held for the people in the church in Philippi.

In order to know how to love, we must know Jesus. Do you lack compassion, self-control, patience, and gentleness? Then spend time with Christ through prayer and Bible reading. As you do, He’ll change your heart to resemble His. Ask Jesus to show you where your love for others needs transformation and modifications.

Kristen Terretteholds a Master's degree in Theological Studies and served as a Children's Ministry Director for five years. She cherishes her Southern roots and currently lives 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She’s following her dream by writing Christian fiction during the day and being a wife and mom come early afternoon when the family starts to arrive home. She’s serves on the Wholly Loved Ministriesteam, serves at her local church on the women's leadership team, and writes for Crosswalk.com. To see her blog and novels, check out her website at www.kristenterrette.com.

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