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I Am Clean - Wholly Loved - September 23

I Am Clean

By Kristen Terrette

“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7

Conflict was brewing. For half a school year my child’s teacher and I avoided confrontation, but it was inevitable. Everyday my daughter told a new story about a lack of instruction, cruel words spoken, and even tears and tantrums during class. 

Having taught school and worked in children’s ministry for many years, I considered the teacher’s behavior unacceptable and unprofessional. When my daughter’s grades began to suffer greatly, I became very angry. The time had come for me to say something— well, to send an email. I wanted to stand up to this injustice for my daughter! To let the teacher know just how upset I was and demand resolution immediately.

And as I hit send, God struck my heart with a powerful realization. I hadn’t taken the time to pray for this teacher. Instead, I’d begun rehearsing in my head what I was going to do and even talked about it with others. My sin became glaringly evident in my anger, gossip, and lack of compassion to this hurting person.

Thankfully, I can go to Jesus and confess my sin, knowing I can cry in His embrace over my failure to live like Him. I can count on Him restoring our relationship—the one I’d hurt with my sinful behavior—to one of intimate companionship. I am purified, as today’s passage promises, and under this grace, I learn how to give it in return and apologize to those I hurt. And even when I witness a perceived injustice, I can and should offer forgiveness and resolution.

Thank God for His purification process. Confess of your sin today and walk in the light, feeling His forgiveness.

Kristen Terrette is passionate about storytelling and helping people take their next steps in their relationship with Jesus. She lives forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. where she served as a Children's Ministry Director for many years. With the support of her husband and two children, she now stays home writing fiction and non-fiction. She also serves on the women's leadership team at her local church and writes for Wholly Loved Ministries. To see her articles and novels, check out her website.

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