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I Could’ve Been Stoned - Wholly Loved - November 20

I Could’ve Been Stoned

By Lollie Hofer

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’.”   John 8:12

I could have been stoned. Seriously. If I’d lived in Biblical times, my husband could’ve called on the church leadership to kill me. Like the woman in John 8:1-12, the passage today’s verse comes from, I have a sordid past. Early in our marriage I had an affair that lasted for several years. 

I only know the John eight woman by deed, not her name. She too was guilty of adultery. During Jesus’ time, a person was stoned for such an act. Several religious leaders dragged her to the temple, interrupting Jesus’ teaching. They were curious as to what He’d do with her, but I don’t think they were prepared for His actions.

Jesus held her accountable for what she did, but He didn’t condemn her. He told her, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Through Him she was given new hope. Then He turned to the crowd saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Sin is dark. From personal experience, I know the consequences are brutal. My husband Mike lives with the pain of my infidelity. For years I was gripped with the fear I’d repeat behavior. But I also know about new hope. Jesus, as the light of Life, is the answer to my darkness. He is a cloud for me to follow during the day and a pillar of fire for me to follow throughout the night (Exodus 13:21, 22).

Both that woman and I deserved death. Instead, because of Christ, were given life. Jesus’ light exposed our sin but it also illuminated His love and compassion. If you’re struggling with a sin that is destroying you, I’m living proof there’s hope. His name’s Jesus. Run to the Light. He’s waiting with open arms.


Lollie Hofer is a wife, mother, grandmother and freelance author. She and her husband, Mike, are blessed with two adult children and three grandchildren. They live in Omaha, Nebraska. She attends Omaha Christian Center where she is involved in the children’s ministries. It is her desire for the Lord Jesus to be lifted high in all she writes. You are invited to visit her blog at lolliehofer.blogspot.com.

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