Wholly Loved

Insecure and Proud - Wholly Loved - July 25

Insecure and Proud
By Kaitrin Valencia

"Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth." 1 Corinthians 1:26

On my journey to live out God’s call, I’ve drowned in self-doubt and wrestled with arrogance. During times of stagnancy and failures, insecurities surfaced. I often felt overlooked and too insignificant for God to use. In contrast, pride swelled in seasons of success when I experienced outpourings of accolades. Same person, opposite responses. I'm not alone. Many of God’s chosen struggled with faulty self-perception.

In Exodus 3 and 4 Moses, a Hebrew shepherd, protested when God called him to confront Pharaoh and rescue His enslaved people from Egypt. He was full of excuses and reminded God he wasn’t eloquent with words. In Matthew 26:35 Peter, one of the disciples, proudly declared to Jesus: “Even if I have to die with You, I will never deny You!”

He later denied Jesus not once, but three times.

1 Corinthians 1:26 and the surrounding verses provide wise instruction for the insecure and proud. When weighed down by a lack of confidence, “think of” God’s standards and remember they aren’t measured by man. God uses “foolish,” “weak,” and “lowly things” of “this world” to accomplish His purposes (verses 27–30).

God calls us from low places—when we feel inadequate, uneducated, or lack the requisite skills or connections. Moses got his assignment while tending his flock in the wilderness, not in the splendor of the Egyptian court where he’d once lived. In the midst of our insecurities, it’s hard to reconcile the fullness of God’s purposes. Yet, that can be the greatest moment to receive our commission.

Today’s verse also reminds us when we’re soaring in God’s appointments to never forget the humble place of our first call. If we rely on ourselves, like Peter did when he made his proclamation to Jesus, we’ll fail. It’s tempting to boast and take credit for our accomplishments however, Scripture teaches to always remember and reflect in humility. Wise benchmarks for the insecure and proud.

Kaitrin E. Valencia is an attorney, author, speaker, expert in juvenile justice reform, and the founder of the Skyway Railroad, a Christ-centered non-profit reaching marginalized populations. For two decades she has reached and restored those ensnared in human trafficking and is the author of Voices Outside the Stadium, a riveting book documenting her encounters with those trafficked at major sporting events, and Waiting I Hate it! Lessons Learned Waiting on God. She is the host of a Christian Podcast, The Shift. When not consulting, writing, or advocating for under-resourced families, Kaitrin loves scrapbooking and road trips with her husband and three children. Visit her online at kaitrinvalencia.com.  

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