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Living Generously - Wholly Loved - November 12


Living Generously

By Cheri Cowell

“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:3-4

In God's economy, those who give freely gain even more, while the blessings of those who live stingily decrease. I heard a story about a little girl who wanted to go to Sunday school but was told at the church doors that she wasn't dressed properly. She'd worn her best dress, but it was made of a flour sack and, therefore, didn't meet the church’s rules for decent attire. All her friends were going to Sunday school, so each week, while they were in church with all of the other beautifully dressed people, she picked up cans and bottles.

Sadly, one Sunday morning she was hit by a city bus and killed. In her little purse were 52 cents and a newspaper photo of a dress she was saving to buy. When the church learned of this, they decided to change. They called their Sunday school Fifty-Two Cents and determined all children, regardless of their clothes, were welcomed.

Many long to live generously during Thanksgiving, which is wonderful. But as Christians we’ve been called to give all year through. The child in this story could’ve been angry. Instead, she retained an open heart and chose to earn money for the required outfit. Fortunately, the church learned from its mistake and changed their ways.

So, yes, give to that food drive during the holidays, but once the season passes, look for ways to continue your generosity. Your efforts might not be as celebrated or noticed, but God will see what you do in secret, and His rewards are eternal.

Cheri Cowell is an Author, Speaker, and Sidewalk Theologian, as she shares stories of faith from God's Word that insect with the sidewalk issues of life. Cheri is the author of several books, including 365 Devotions for Peace, Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life, and the Parables a Word Pictures bible study in the Following God series. She is honored to be a contributor to Becoming His Princess Bible study from Wholly Loved Ministries.www.CheriCowell.com

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