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Look for the Exit - Wholly Loved - August 26

Look for the Exit
By Teri Gasser

No temptationhas overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be temptedbeyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13

If yelled, “Fire!” in a theater, I bet you’d immediately look for exit signs. Sin, like fire, causes destruction and death but many times, it seems warm and inviting. Lust lures us with the promise of physical pleasure, as fleeting as it may be. Materialism tugs at our desire for more, and self-elevation feeds our pride. But when we chase temporary and false fulfillment, we rob ourselves of the spiritual and emotional vitality God want to give us.

We’re often left broken and feeling more empty than before.

The truth is fire is more easily contained than sin.

The male coworker who understands you so much better than your husband invites you to lunch. Don’t go! Plan a date with your husband instead.

Those office supplies you could use at home and certain no one would miss—leave them be.

That cute top you can’t afford matches your favorite capris. Leave it on the rack.

I work retail and I’m constantly bombarded with the temptation to want more, buy more. I think I may have a problem, so I’m going to take my employee discount card and my Master card out of my wallet. I need to be the master of the card. I need to run to the exit God has given me.

Let’s not be deceived by the things that tempt us. Look for the exit. God made a way for us to flee. Do it! Run for your life!

Like Ezra, Teri Gasser has a “heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes. . .” (Ezra 7:10, esv). She’s been married over thirty years, has four grown children, and adores her grandchildren. Her passion is to see women transformedby truth. Teri Gasser serves as the Director of Women’s Bible Studies at Grace Baptist Church in Manhattan, Kansas. She’s also a pastor’s wife, Bible study leader, speaker, and writer. She hopes to have her first book published soon. Visit her online at

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