Wholly Loved

Objection! - Wholly Loved - September 9


By Kaitrin Valencia

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27

While a rhetorical question, my creator knew the doubt and anxiety I’d associate with losing a job, learning a loved one was terminal, battling infertility, and losing a prayed-for-child to miscarriage. My inability to comprehend God’s sovereignty and power during those valleys gave birth to complacency and misconceptions. The impossibilities my natural eyes reflected bred defeat and hopelessness.

I believed the lie that God performed miracles for others but forgot or was punishing me. I accepted my desperate realities as the final disposition.

In a court of law parties must abide by “rules of evidence.”

“Speculative evidence” isn’t allowed because it lacks reliability. It relies on theories, assumptions, and guesses rather than facts.

Imagine if we guarded our thought life with the same vigor.

When faced with adversity, we may question the Lord’s character. In our pain and despair we can easily forget God's greatness. We begin to meditate on what we feel rather than what we know as truth. Yet, God’s declaration in Jeremiah 32:27 leaves no room for guesswork or speculation.

He is God and nothing is too hard for Him! He’s done the impossible before and He’ll do it again. The next time you’re tempted to entertain lies of doubt or fear that misrepresent God, remember this is speculative evidence and you have the authority to shout “objection!”

Kaitrin E. Valencia, a contributing writer to Wholly Loved’s Devotional project, is an attorney, author, speaker, expert in juvenile justice reform, and the founder of the Skyway Railroad, a Christ-centered non-profit reaching marginalized populations. For two decades she has reached and restored those ensnared in human trafficking and is the author of Voices Outside the Stadium, a riveting book documenting her encounters with those trafficked at major sporting events, and Waiting I Hate it! Lessons Learned Waiting on God. She is the host of a Christian Podcast, The Shift. When not consulting, writing, or advocating for under-resourced families, Kaitrin loves scrapbooking and road trips with her husband and three children. Visit her online at kaitrinvalencia.com.

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