Wholly Loved

Shades of Trust - Wholly Loved - September 24


Shades of Trust
By Darlene Franklin

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.”Isaiah 26:3

I could worry, based on the information I had been given or I could trust.

Sunday mornings are trying times in my nursing home. Often, when I need to be up early for church, help is least consistent. This is challenging, as I’m the pianist for our worship gathering.

When my nurse told me I might have to wait one particular morning, my first reaction was to worry. But I made a conscious choice to trust God that help would come when needed. And if it didn’t, to trust God anyway.

God blessed me when an extra aide arrived and got me up on time. Because of my decision, I greeted her with gratitude and not desperation. “You’re an answer to prayer,” I told her.

I like to think I would have retained peace if she hadn’t arrived, and I faced another day of arriving late.

That peace depends on trust, but trust is a slippery word. It’s hard to grab hold of. What does it look like?

It means to remain close to Christ, relying completely on Him, and allowing His life to flow in and through me.

It’s choosing to believe God will do what He says. It means leaning on Him, honestly expressing my deepest concerns, and letting Him carry me.

Trust is mostly a mental exercise. When I focus my thoughts on God instead, I find peace.

Tie your imagination to God, hoping, confiding, and leaning—and you will find peace.

Darlene Franklin, a contributor to Wholly Loved’s devotional project, is a best-selling author of fiction and nonfiction works. Her claim to fame is that she continues to write from a nursing home. She keeps going because God keeps giving her more assignments. She’s written more than fifty-five fiction and nonfiction books, including Pray Through the Bible in a Year and of Cash and Cats in Love Comes on Kitten Paws. Check out a complete list of her books on Amazon and visit her Facebook Page to stay up to date with her and her writing.

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