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Strength to Endure - Wholly Loved - April 9

Strength to Endure

By Kristen Terrette

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

Our day started in celebration and ended in pain. On July 4, 2008, after over a year of trying, we found out we were pregnant with our second child. Smiles and cheers went ‘round during the Fourth of July celebrations, but we ended the night in the hospital. We were told our baby was likely a tubal pregnancy and wouldn’t survive. This took two long weeks to confirm. 

Fourteen agonizing days ended in emergency surgery to stop internal bleeding and remove our tiny, precious baby from my body. I cried out to God. We’d prayed for this child! Why would He allow our joy to be taken from us? 

And yet, after my procedure I felt … okay. I experienced a supernatural peace, because emotionally I should have been anything but okay. I had the strength to endure and push on knowing Jesus was there and would heal our aching hearts. 

The apostle Paul, the author of today’s verse, understood this pain. He faced numerous challenges after becoming a Christian. He was beaten, shipwrecked, and placed in prison and house arrest for sharing the Good News of the gospel. He understood he could face any hardship because Christ lived inside him. Jesus provides an unexplainable peace during heartbreaks and blessings. When we live in union with Him, having accepted His gift of salvation, we find the strength to stand despite challenges. 

I’m confident I’ll one day see our sweet one in heaven. What’s also sweet is that God showed us mercy not long after that painful day. Only four months later, He sent us another baby, one who is now ten years old. 

God has the power to heal. He may not always provide what we desire this side of heaven, but He’ll always give us unhindered access to Himself. Whatever trial you’re in, turn to Him. Strengthen your bond with Jesus and trust His power to get you through.

Kristen Terrette cherishes her Southern roots and lives 45 minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She served as a Children's Ministry Director for many years, and with the support of her husband and two children she now stays home writing Christian fiction and non-fiction. She's passionate about storytelling and helping people take their next steps in their relationship with Jesus. She also serves on the women's leadership team at her local church and Wholly Loved Ministries. You can check out her articles and novels at www.kristenterrette.com.

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