Wholly Loved

Where Strength Is Found - Wholly Loved - June 3


Where Strength Is Found
By Shellie Arnold

“… but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

In August 2002, I had an anaphylactic reaction to a prescribed drug and almost died at home in my husband’s arms.

At that time, my life was full and I was very busy. I home schooled three children, worked part-time at a local hospital, and was pursuing a writing and speaking ministry.

I was also scheduled for three surgical procedures. Prior to the surgery, I had trouble sleeping. I consulted my doctor, and he prescribed the medication.

Unfortunately, my reaction fried something in my brain and left me with residual symptoms including intermittent paralysis on my right side. I often looked like I was having a stroke. Eventually, I couldn’t drive, go to church, or care for my family.

To say I struggled with God during that time is an understatement. I couldn’t reconcile a holy God who called me to write and speak with my incapablity of doing those things.

As I sought Him, He impressed upon me three things: Shellie, don’t go to dark places inside. Don’t tell yourself your life is over. Thank Me for every breath.

While I waited for healing and maintained the best attitude possible, I learned the meaning of Isaiah 40:31.

It’s in the waiting we find strength. Not when our needs are met. Not when we get relief from our burdens. Strength is found when we stay in His presence, listening for His voice, following His directives, and maintaining total dependence on Him.

God healed my brain on May 18, 2005, almost three years after my reaction. But my healing wasn’t His greatest work during that time. Rather, it was carrying me through those years. If I hadn’t found strength in waiting on Him, I’m certain I would have lost hope.

Shellie Arnoldis a multi-published author and sexual abuse survivor who believes any marriage can be healed. She’s a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries 2019 devotional project. Visit her online at ShellieArnold.com.

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