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Finding Freedom Through Surrender - Wholly Loved - April 2

Finding Freedom Through Surrender
 By Christa Cottam

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

“I give up!”

The word surrender often makes us think of defeat. But what if I said surrender can mean victory … even freedom?

As a toddler, my mantra was, “I can do it myself!” Unfortunately, I carried that attitude into adulthood. I wanted to be in control and live on my terms. To me, that was freedom—not being dictated by anything or anyone  … certainly not God.

My perceived liberty was a lie.

We were created with an innate longing—to be seen, known, and loved, and only God can fulfill that desire. But for years I tried to satisfy that craving with other things. I just needed the right job, relationship, house, physique, whatever. Then I’d be happy.

Such pursuits, though, tethered me to them … enslaved me. I gave my all, but each accomplishment and item failed to live up to my expectations, or left me exhausted, living with regret. They ultimately left me asking, “Is this all there is to life?” I felt restless and unsatisfied.

I finally discovered what I was missing—the most important thing in life, the foundation that gives everything else meaning and purpose: God.

Not the God I’d misunderstood for so long … the distant, controlling dictator. But the One who “fearfully and wonderfully made” each of us for a specific purpose (Ps. 139:14, Eph. 2:10). The God who sees us—knows us better than we know ourselves—and loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, in the greatest love story ever told—to rescue, to free us, from bondage to a broken world.

“Surrender” has never been so victorious as the day I gave up serving myself and this world and placed my life in Jesus’ precious, nail-scarred hands. The day I discovered that true freedom can only be found in God’s loving embrace. 

Are you living free? Lay down your pride and fears today and run to Jesus.  

Christa Cottam, a Wholly Loved Ministries’ speaker and worship leader, is a spunky woman with a fire in her belly to tell others about Jesus—how He brought her from being held down by a past filled with shame, guilt and unforgiveness to embrace God’s love and ultimately find freedom to be the person He created her to be. She is passionate about encouraging women to go deeper in their relationship with God. Christa also uses her gifts in the arts and leadership to make kingdom impact at her church, serving as a worship leader and volunteering in women’s ministry.

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